Our Retreats

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” David, son of Jesse

Our story is a simple one: a few men gathered for rest and renewal. We realized we needed more of it than we thought. We then realized more men needed it than just us. And in that realization, we discovered that though we had grown into men and leaders, we were still discovering what it means to live as a son.

Every Canyon Pathways retreat is curated to amplify just that: the freedom of living as a son, in the accepting and empowering presence of other sons of the same Father.

We believe that freedom is facilitated by these five attributes of our retreat gatherings:

  • Rest—respite from the frantic pace of the daily grind

  • Reset—placing the important before the urgent

  • Renewal—experiencing both mind and heart alive once again

  • Rediscovery—uncovering joys and delights long buried by responsibilities

  • Reconnection—closeness again to God, self, and others

Each aspect of the retreat is geared toward those pathways, including the location, the venue, the transportation, the food, the sleeping arrangements, and the men in attendance. Of special importance is our itinerary, which sets our rhythms and guides our discoveries:


Here’s what others have said about the impact of these rhythms:

“I didn’t know how much I needed to unplug from structured responsibility until the second day, when my spirit began to breathe again.”

“One of the most refreshing, restorative, and life-giving weeks of my journey... My family and ministry are better because of this experience.”

“I had no idea how spiritually tired and dead I was until day two of being poured into... Life was breathed back into me and my heart and mind began to change.”

So come, and join a diverse group of men in experiencing the freedom of sonship. No preaching, no politics, no pushy schedule or “to do’s”. Just rest, unity, discovery.

Just brothers, living like sons, leading like fathers.

Check back frequently for more dates and venues, and contact us for further details!

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Jesus, Son of God


Word of Wisdom: Passion


Why We Need: Change